Another great addition for completionists, this one will let you track your dungeon progress across all of your characters or the ones you want. This includes all resources for crafting, chests, thief containers and more. Tip: In order to keep your map in order, and un-flooded, I suggest that you use the native ESO icons that look like the default pins, not the exclamation marksand that you make them as small as possible. First things first you will need a mini-map. Minion just makes it easier to keep track of everything. Installing the addons manually is not rocket science, you just drop the downloaded folders inside the AddOns folder which we mentioned above. Introduction 1.We have compiled the ultimate list of must-have ESO addons, in order to make your stay in Tamriel more productive and meaningful! But there are times where you want to explore and immerse yourself in the world, and others where the real world is calling too, and too much immersion can turn into frustration. How to join to the Psijic Order? Increase level of Psijic Order skill? Psijic Order missions. Which edition of Morrowind should I buy? Introduction Warden for playing solo Warden as support. All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners.

Mundus Stones - Every Mundus Stone will give you special endless bonus of some kind. Different bonuses can be found at different crafting stations. Item Set Crafting Location - every item crafted in this location will be part of specific set. This is the place where you can with other players try to destroy the Anchor. Dark Anchor - spawning point for Molag Bal forces. The difficulty of the dungeon is set for 4 person group. Group Dungeons - private group dungeon, you can visit it with your group only. You will visit this locations with random players. Public Dungeons and Caves - solo or group, caves or dungeons. If you die you show up at the nearest Wayshrines. Wayshrines - you can teleport to previously visited Wayshrines. Quest Hubs - this sign and similar landmarks point to locations with quest givers.