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The mod comes in two versions : With stockings and without stockings. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts. Once this skill is learned, one can upgrade any applicable clothing item at an armor workbench. Outfits that take up armor slots now have access to the following upgrades with the right perks: Cloth Leather Steel Combat Ballistic Weave Unlocks the same way as before In addition to those upgrades, one of the following can also be added to nearly every outfit: Pocketed Padded Muffled Lead lined Weighted Ultra Light Biocomm Refracting All upgrades have loose mods, which can be put on outfits of a similar nature. All games Fallout 4 Mods Clothing Clothing. Modular armor is still better in the long run because of legendary effects, but upgraded outfits are great for stealth play or just looking cool.