Several classes are limited to light armor for the entirety of the game: Sentinels, Adepts, and Engineers can only use light armor, though the latter two can utilise the Basic Armor talent to improve its effectiveness. Light armor: Light armor is the default armor available to all playable character classes except the Soldier class.Most armor sets are available in all three types, but with different stats which emphasise the likely play style of the character classes who can wear them. In the first Mass Effect game, armor is divided into three types: light, medium, and heavy. Best armor for close-combat classes in ME3.

To see this content please enable targeting cookies. However, in this guide we'll highlight a few sets and pieces included in the Legendary Edition that stand out thanks to their exceptionally high stats, popularity with players, and other interesting features. With that said though, there's still the job of actually laying your hands on each suit of armor - even if its less 'needle-in-a-haystack' and more 'armor-plate-in-a-galaxy'. There aren't a lot of duds, with nearly every set having its plus-points, but how useful you personally find each piece will depend on your Shepard and your preference of playstyle. With so much premium protection on offer in the Mass Effect series, trying to recommend the best armor for each game can be tough.